So excited to finally be releasing our out of the habit printables!! We are fully dedicated to helping you build your dream life, and these FREE resources are tools to help you do just that.
Both The Goal Tracker + The Goal Calendar are there to help you set successful goals from the beginning and see them all the way through. From the moment you start to dream of what's possible to the second you cross the finish line, we've got you covered.
The Out of the Habit notes page is designed as a tool to be used with my book, Out of the Habit. I kept it simple and clean, because honestly, that's what I like - this way, you can fill it with colour and post-it notes or stick to pen and pencil. Shop the book here!
out of the habit is allllll about intentional and purposeful living. There are many ways to approach a life of intent, but I personally believe that goal setting is the easiest way to start. Whether your goals are personal, professional, or otherwise, the process is the same. If you're new to goal setting, check out this post to start and follow along with us on Instagram for more tips!
The Goal tracker

As the very first printable we released, it was important that The Goal Tracker was one that could really make a difference. Goal setting is a massive part of growth, and a great way to change your life.
The Goal Tracker is designed specifically to help you plan out every step of your journey. It serves as a great way to make action steps, track your progress, and look back see how far you've come.
It's available in both white + black and our classic beige/pink - just click download and it's all yours!
The Goal Calendar

I'm a planner gal through and through, and using this Goal Calendar has been a lifechanger. I love that it gives me a separate space to use either as a to do list, schedule for action points/steps, and record for my progress!
I'm starting a 31-day challenge this month that this is going to be perfect for! Click download here to grab it for yourself + for more ideas on how to use it!
Out of the habit notes

I have allllways been a notetaker, and I probably always will be. As a kinesthetic learner, just hearing or reading something doesn't help me remember it.
Writing it down, on the other hand, gives me a better point of reference, and also helps things sink in differently.
For my first book, I wanted to create a printable file that was both visually appealing & customizable. Hope you love it.