Three months ago, I quit my morning routine.
Since starting my minimalist journey and pursuit of a slower life, I’ve made a lot of changes. Through simplifying my home, schedule, and habits, there have been a lot of pieces that just naturally no longer fit – and others that I’ve chosen to remove.
The individual impact of these changes has mostly been small – but quitting my morning routine has been one of the biggest, most impactful changes I’ve ever made.
For years, I was stuck in this cycle where I’d set a routine, often feeling super inspired by a YouTube video or an Instagram reel, and for a few days up to a couple of weeks, I loved it. But then things would change. Either my schedule was different, or my hormones would shift (although I didn’t realize that’s what was happening). Somehow I’d get thrown out of the rhythm, and getting back felt like a vertically uphill battle.
Those things that morning routines are supposed to do for you – generate motivation, help you feel ready for the day, create a sense of accomplishment – I never felt those from the same routine for any longer than a couple of weeks. But I really believed that this was the best, the only option for starting your day off right.
And so, rather than helping me get motivated, it felt like I was starting my day with failure.
So I’d go back to the drawing board, convinced I simply had the wrong combination of habits, develop a new routine, and the cycle would repeat.
And then, this fall, I just… stopped.
When I started exploring simple living, it was important to me to figure out what rhythms in my life were actually adding value to it. For a month, I gave myself permission to scrap any goals, habits, or routines that didn’t feel good, just to see what happened and what I missed.
My morning routine was one of the first things to go. Rather than waking up and jumping into a productivity blitz, I started slow. Peacefully. And I listened to what my body, mind, and soul needed first thing in the day.
This is the approach I’ve taken and maintained for my morning routine ever since, and it’s been a complete gamechanger for me.
These signs you should quit your morning routine are not all-encompassing, but I hope they’ll provide a little extra motivation and encouragement if this decision is right for you.
One of my biggest takeaways after quitting my morning routine is how much the morning sets my pace for the day. When I start slow and at peace, it’s a lot easier for me to maintain that pace. But when I start out stressed, I usually carry that into the rest of my day. Morning routines are often loved for providing structure to reduce stress – and if that’s your experience, that’s great!
But, if your morning routine feels like a checklist that has to be accomplished before your coffee has kicked in….
If a structured space first thing in the morning is creating stress…
If it feels like it’s adding to your plate rather than taking things off of it – it might be time to quit a morning routine.
Aside from reducing stress, many people find morning routines to provide motivation, reduce decision fatigue, and feel pulled together & accomplished before the day has even started.
Sounds great, right?
As long as that’s actually what happens.
I love the aesthetic, principle, and idea of morning routines. But I never experienced long-term benefits from one.
One of the incredible things about the modern era is that we have access to so much information, inspiration, and advice from other people. But an unintended consequence is how easy it is to feel like you’re doing things wrong, just because it’s different from how someone else does it.
Productivity isn’t a one-size fits all.
Wellness isn’t a one-size fits all.
And it’s okay to make different choices if they’re the ones that are right for you.
Hear me out on this. If your morning routine isn’t doing for you what you want it to, you might actually find more productivity without it.
In my experience, the stress of feeling like I had a “checklist” to start my day off completely derailed my motivation. The healthy habits I was trying to build were overwhelming instead of inspiring. Rather than actually building the habits I wanted to, I was focused on trying to build the checklist as a habit. I honestly thought this would be better for me.
But believe it or not, since quitting my morning routine, my mornings have actually become more productive.
When I quit my morning routine, I intentionally removed any kind of checklist or “must-dos” for the first part of my day. My mornings look different day to day. The only “goal” I have is to start my day peacefully with whatever I need to do that.
Since creating the flexibility to embrace each day as it comes, I actually find myself choosing healthy habits I used to try to force.
They’re not uniform, but that’s the beauty of it.
Someday, I’ll write a post on how I quit expecting uniformity. But today, I’m just going to tell you that for most of us, our needs vary. Whether it’s frequent hormonal shifts, working inconsistent hours, or fluctuating mental health – we don’t wake up the same every day.
Our lives are inconsistent.
The same routine isn’t going to work for everyone. And it’s not always going to work for you.
Take the time in your mornings to meet yourself where you’re at. Offer grace, self-compassion, and fill the needs you have.
One of the most crucial things I’ve learned since adopting a “slow” approach to productivity: getting more done doesn’t matter if you’re not getting the right things done.
I’ll be honest – this is something I’ve said for years. And I really thought I understood it.
But it wasn’t until I lived it that I realized how important this is.
My morning routine was simply a list of things I felt like I “should” do. It wasn’t sustainable, nor was it a clearly-prioritized set of tasks.
I want to live a purposeful, intentional, peaceful life. And in order to do that, I need to get really picky about where I spend my time and energy.
So I quit my morning routine. And if you resonate with this, I think you should quit your morning routine too. Not because it’s “bad,” but because it may not be adding more value to you than it’s taking away.
To be clear, I’m not anti-morning routine, and if this is a ritual that gives you peace and structure, by all means, don’t let me talk you out of it! We truly are all different – and if this is life-giving and refreshing to you, more power to you. I’m cheering for you.

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