Simple Self Care Ideas You Can Do At Home


Self Care Ideas You Can Do At Home | If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last year, it’s that your mindset is one of the only things you can control. Cultivating a positive, intentional life is the best way to go through it, and a big part of that is learning to take care of yourself. Setting boundaries, living intentionally, and self-care are all components of that.

When you’re struggling, it can go a long way to just take an evening off. Relax a little. These self care ideas are all designed to help you experience real rest, whatever your personality or preferences. Self care is a really foundational part of mental health. You can’t pour out of an empty cup. You deserve to be taken care of!

All of these self care ideas can be done from home, most of them with little to no planning. Relax, enjoy, and take care of yourself!

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simple self care ideas | fun self care

Self Care Ideas You Can Do At Home

1. Take a bath

2. Take a hot shower

3. Turn off your phone for the night

4. Read a fiction book

5. Put on music & draw (who cares if it looks like anything?)

6. Get an adult colouring book

7. Read a book about personal growth

My current favourites!

8. Have a paint night

9. Write a list of things you’re grateful for

10. Write letters to 3 people you’re thankful for

11. Clean your room

12. Move your furniture around

13. Get all dressed up/throw makeup on for the fun of it

14. FaceTime a friend

15. Bake something new

16. Make a to-do list

17. Set up a bullet journal

18. Look into learning a new instrument

19. Write a poem

20. Create a vision board

21. Write goals for where you want to be in 1, 5, and 10 years

22. Do your laundry

23. Write down 10 great things that have happened this year

24. Start gratitude journalling

25. Write a love letter

26. Go for a run

27. Do some yoga (YouTube tutorials or download a free app!)

28. Watch a cheesy movie

29. Go through your closet

30. Bake cookies & drop them off to surprise your friends

These 30 self care ideas are easy, simple, and FUN. You can do them at home, alone, with friends, or however you want. Taking care of yourself can look like many different things! This season, I’ve spent a lot of slow mornings or late nights by putting on a Hallmark movie, turning on the Christmas tree, and cookies.

Leave a comment & let me know the most relaxing way you practice self-care, and make sure to join the inner circle so you NEVER miss a blog post!

For more self-care ideas, follow me on Pinterest or stay tuned on Instagram!

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