Things to Get Rid of in 2021 | Happy New Year! Whether resolutions are your thing or not, choosing to better yourself is a great way to start off a new year. And how better to begin than to declutter your life? This is a PERFECT list of things you need to get rid of this year. These are junk pieces that we all have, and yet somehow never use, because truth be told — no one really needs them.
Getting rid of these things is a HUGE step. Decluttering is by far the easiest way to simplify your lifestyle, moving towards an intentional life and a purposeful home. You’ll be able to see and feel the difference right away, which is a huge motivator to keep going.
Get out some garbage bags, recycling bins, donation boxes — and get ready to go back to basics.

Things to Get Rid of in 2021 | 2021 Decluttering Challenge
Expired/extra makeup
In all likelihood, you have more than you’ll ever use. If you’re not a makeup artist, you probably don’t need more than a few eyeshadow palettes, and you can depot any favourite colours into a magnetic palette to store & use. This way, you maximize your space, minimize your clutter, and don’t lose anything.
Extra hangers
Not only is this a way to declutter, it’s also a great way to keep yourself from buying too many clothes. If what you have doesn’t fit on your hangers, don’t let yourself get more.
Junk mail
Expired coupons, old bank statements, flyers & anything you don’t plan on opening.
Books you will never read again
One of my goals for 2021 is to read a book every week, which means my collection is expanding significantly. While some books aren’t going anywhere, if I’ve read it and don’t plan on repeating it, I’m gonna try to pass it on to either a thrift store or someone who will enjoy reading it after me.

Appliances/Tools you’re not using anymore
Tempting though it may be, it’s not worth holding onto something just because you paid for it.
Mugs/Travel cups/Dishes you NEVER use
Trash in your purse
Hair/skin products you don’t use
Any else guilty of hopping on board with sales and/or trends? This has left me with a bathroom full of products that I didn’t like, can’t return, and will never ever buy again. It’s time to toss those babies and declutter your life.
Clothes that don’t fit
Clothes you didn’t wear this year
This was a weird year, so take this one with a grain of salt — but if you don’t have a reason to wear it in the next 12 months, it’s probably time to let it go.
Old emails
This one’s a bit of a personal attack for me — I always have a full email inbox, and the important ones have a habit of getting lost in the clutter. But no more! Not this year. Time to clear them out and move on with my life.
Pens that don’t work
Pictures you never hung up
Home decor you hate
Your space is your own. Your home really should be a place where you can feel at peace, comfortable, and relaxed.
Unhealthy friendships
Old papers you don’t need
ANYTHING in your junk drawer that you haven’t pulled out in the last 12 months
Old calendars
Excess cables/cords
You really don’t need 6 backup phone cords “just in case”.
Any expired foods in your pantry
Storage dishes without lids
Worn out shoes
Worn out shoes
None of these things are needs this year. They’re just not. And while it’s entirely human to collect things for backups, it’s not healthy to fill a home with unnecessary items. Do yourself a favour, and minimize your life, workload, and space this 2021!
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