How to Organize Your Home Like The Home Edit | Recently, Netflix dropped a new series called “Get Organized! With The Home Edit” — and I seriously think it might have saved 2020. If you’ve never heard of The Home Edit, get ready for your life to change forever.
THE is the ultimate organization porn. Their systems, strategies, and ideas on how to organize your home are genius. I’m not a messy person, but I have a hard time coming up with organization structures for my home that are easily sustainable with a busy schedule.
Enter: The Home Edit. When I tell you that I’ve already watched the entire series multiple times, I’m not kidding. One week after starting the show, my kitchen already looked better than it has since the day I moved in. Who knew I had counter space?!
The best part about these systems is that they don’t require or even suggest that you spend your life savings on new furniture, possessions, or organizational tools that will make things it better. They’re customizable and designed to help you organize your space to complement your lifestyle and needs. Also, SUPER easy to follow.
Don’t miss out! These organization systems are about to make your life so much easier. For more home posts, including cleaning hacks & decor ideas, click here!
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How to Organize Your Home Like the Home Edit

Let Go
The first step in any Home Edit makeover is the “Edit” step. Letting go of the things you don’t use or love can be hard, but it’s crucial to having an organized home. It’s also a really freeing feeling, knowing that everything you own is important to you. In a society that pushes mindless consumption, going against the grain & choosing to keep only the things that matter is a bold and beautiful thing.
Decluttering is harder than we give it credit for, but it arguably makes the biggest difference in organization potential. With every item you let go of, you’re creating space in your home for more life to be lived. Each goodbye means less time you spend putting things away, or doing laundry. It gives you more moments that matter, and allows you to live out your priorities more authentically.
Categorize & Contain Based On Use
All right, next up, it’s time to categorize. When I reorganized my kitchen after watching THE, I realized how bizarrely my cabinets were organized. My dishes were spread apart and grouped with things like coffee beans and extra baking supplies, rather than being next to things I use along side them.
Redoing and altering these categories has helped tremendously with being able to maintain these systems. Spaces are getting a lot less cluttered, because I only use them when I need them. This tool has been transformative in developing organization systems that stick.
I wish I’d taken before pictures, but this is what my cupboards look like now:

I haven’t spent any money on new organization tools, although I just shared a post on the best Amazon Kitchen Organization Products, and I’m definitely ordering a few of them on Prime Day!
One of the BEST hacks I’ve discovered has been this baby. I bought this storage compartment from Target years ago, and it’s housed everything from my One Direction CDs to my heels collection. But kitchen appliances never crossed my mind. Realizing that my counters were so cluttered, largely to things that I don’t use on a daily basis, was frustrating.

I don’t have cabinet space to store appliances, but I can fit them all neatly in this 6-cube organizer. I have easy access (“touch access”, as Clea & Joanna would say) to them whenever I need them, but they’re out of the way the rest of the time.
Be Realistic
Okay, so this one’s not necessarily straight from The Home Edit, but speaking from personal experience, I can have a tendency to be overly optimistic when it comes to my home organization motivation. I love a good, clean, space, but I don’t have the energy or time to recreate and reinvent systems on a regular basis. As you’re organizing, ask yourself honestly, is this a system you can stick to?
If the answer is no, reevaluate it now.
These jars, for example, are one of my realistic systems. I had a vision of perfectly organized cupboards, jars lined up in alphabetical order of contents, regularly restocked and just out of sight.

That was never going to happen. But keeping the items I use the most easily accessible on the counter has been great. I can see exactly how much is left in the clear glass container, so I know when to restock, and they’re cute without taking over.
Clea & Joanna SWEAR by this step. I’ll be honest, I’ve yet to take it on, but I am intrigued by the thought.
Labelling bins, categories, and systems brings a level of consistency to maintenance that does make sense. You can’t forget what category a space is for, and if it’s misused it’s clear right away.
I’ve never been a huge fan of labels in general, but The Home Edit actually has their own line of custom labels that are really freaking cute, and they might just get my business.
Shop The Home Edit labels here.
These steps to organize your home are simple, effective, and easiest when implemented room by room, space by space. Don’t try to do too much at once, but don’t hesitate to hop on these methods. If it didn’t work, I wouldn’t tell you — The Home Edit is the BEST.
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